Monday, May 31, 2010

Kick Off - CYF!

Crawfordsville Youth Football proudly presents Tackle Football!

We are in the kick off phase of the Crawfordsville Athenian Youth Football League. This website is a work-in-progress that will be a safe source for information related to the newly formed youth football league.

WHO: All interested Crawfordsville students who will be in grades 3-6 during the 2010-2011 school year

WHAT: Tackle football played in two leagues: 3rd/4th grades and 5th/6th grades

WHEN: Playing season from August to October 2010

WHERE: Practices and games to be played at Hoover Field, previous home to some of the all-time great Athenian Teams (see Calendar Tab for key dates and locations)

Early Registration: June 15, 16, 17 at Fishero Park (CYB Baseball Fields) 6:00 - 8:00 PM

WHY: To learn football fundamentals, to compete in a safe environment, and to HAVE FUN!

Early Registration: $50, 2 Siblings $90, Family Maximum (Siblings) $125
Late Registration: $60, 2 Siblings $100, Family Maximum (Siblings) $140

NOTE: There will be two informational PARENT meetings held on Monday, June 7 and Tuesday, June 8. Parents only need to attend one of the meetings. The meetings will be held in the Crawfordsville High School Auditorium and will begin at 7:00 PM. Information about the league will be distributed and questions answered at these meetings.

QUESTIONS: Contact CYF President Chris Ervin at (765) 366-0179